Is your product’s Brand EAR (Equity at Retail) strong enough to promote profitably? We help brands to extract the maximum profitability available from current equity.
Make your FMCG commercial planning easier, faster, more accurate and profitable. AiM OPTIMISERᵀᴹ shows how to increase your profits, guaranteed… or no charge!
Self Service SaaS
General Management
Sales / Account Management
Brand Marketing
Trade Marketing
Finance / Revenue Management
Demand Planning
Grow Profits
Manage Terms
Brand v Trade Support
Account Planning / JBP
Process Overview
Measure Brand EAR (Equity at Retail)
Price and Profit Elasticities
Optimising Pricing and Promotions
Automated impact of Terms/COGS changes
Promotional Effectiveness and Baselines
Action Insight Management Redding, Falkirk, Scotland, UK
+44 (0)7801 552037