Who For / Functions

Who For / Functions

General Management

General Management

Everything commercially is linked. If anything changes, be it your COGS, the retailers pricing, the promotions, distribution or seasonality, the results will change. See these impacts instantly due to the accurate predictive analytics AiM uses.

With the AiM-OPTIMISERTM you also have a deeper competency level across your teams as you see one version of the truth from a single SKU level to a high view of potential by account/area.

Free Analysis: Should the business invest more in Brand Building or Trade Support? Use the platform to see where investment is required and what gains can be made if optimised. Our consultants offer this initial level free of charge to point you in the right direction. Just contact us to find out more.

Sales / Account Management

Sales / Account Management

Every product in every account is different or acts differently. AiM’s tools show how shoppers react and buy a product/SKU (or don’t buy it!). The platform’s volume prediction accuracy is usually over 98% so knowing what will happen as you plan ensures you propose and agree the best plan possible.

You instantly see the impacts across the complete P&L for both the supplier and the retailer which helps with full account planning through to those ‘quick opportunities’ a retailer may offer you. Get the instant scenario results prior to saying yes/no.

See the precise details of how to optimise your pricing, promotions and terms negotiations.

Brand Marketing

Brand Marketing

How strong is your brand and do you need more Brand Investment?

The stronger a product’s Brand Equity at Retail (EAR), the better the commercial ROI from any in-store and pricing activity. AiM have a unique data-driven measure that gives clarity for these questions. It also gives insight where the equity may be cooling (before it is obvious from sales figures) and so where to concentrate investment.

Brand strength dictates commercial return. See how shoppers value your products and where investment is required.

Trade Marketing

Trade Marketing

AiM helps you to build your relationships with channel partners, by being able to advise them on the activities to run, when etc. and knowing and being confident in the results they will get. This in turn helps gain more of the decisions for increasing product visibility and availability, driving sales through distribution channels, and maximising market share within retail environments

Evaluate and plan retail activities with automated predicted results to give more clarity around price, promotions and activities.

Finance / Revenue Management

Finance / Revenue Management

The AiM-OPTIMISERTM platform brings together RGM (Revenue Growth Management), TPO (Trade Promotion Optimisation) and IBP (Integrated Business Planning) plus more, into one tool by using its unique non-linear volume prediction capabilities. Being usually accurate to over 98% across a year, allows AiM to be integrated into (or in place of) any existing process.

AiM replace the need for manual volume predictions which then impacts the rest of the full P&L columns. As you change any input, the volumes/profits are automatically recalculated.

The volume predictions can be amended by the user but add accuracy to any ‘gut-feel’ estimates. Each tool also shows how accurate the predictions are likely to be based on test runs automatically conducted in the data ‘crunching’ process.

The platform also takes account of any type of discount (volume or non-volume related, retro or on/off invoice related etc), seasonality, distribution and promotion/display so gives full clarity on the optimum and preferable plan.

It adds further financial clarity to your Marketing and Trade Support, turning spend into an investment.

Demand Planning

Demand Planning

What volume a retailer will sell out is a key input to the Demand Planning function and one of the hardest to get right. AiM’s platform uses the sales out EPOS data to make the accurate volume predictions to help DP calculate their production and sales in volumes (ensuring availability and satisfied retail customers and shoppers. The automated volume predictions are  usually accurate to over 98% across a year.

AiM’s cloud based industry leading advanced analytics and AI, statistically measures your brand strength, elasticities, competitors, etc. and show how to save or invest to maximise those returns.

AiM’s cloud based industry leading advanced analytics and AI, statistically measures your brand strength, elasticities, competitors, etc. and show how to save or invest to maximise those returns.

Maximise your promotional effectiveness with AiM

Maximise your promotional effectiveness with AiM

We show FMCG brands how to make better commercial decisions in order to increase profit. Using expertise in Customer and Category Management, Trade Promotion Optimisation (TPO), Shopper Insights & Revenue Growth Management, these predictive AI tools show precisely what to do to increase profits on your SKUs.